While working at my former company, I met many fantastic people, and worked with energetic, bright - and motivated individuals. (it's part of my profile on the right of this post)
After a advertising campaign ran for a client, the clock started ticking on the payment schedule, or DSO clock. (days sales outstanding)
My internal person who handled our NYC office collections for years.....was, as one of my collegues recently pointed out, "extremely good at making everyone feel good, and always asking about your family. It was like working with your grandmother."
Well, this is her. Meet Rhian Smith.
"SANFORD -- Rhian McGuire-Smith is a tiny, unassuming woman, a grandmother who, neighbors say, loves to spoil her grandson.
According to law-enforcement officials and court records, she also is a longtime thief with a trail of victims across at least four states and Australia. Those cases, though, pale in comparison to what could be her biggest crime yet: She is accused of embezzling more than $1.2 million from a subsidiary of America Online."
You never know.....
Here is the REST OF THE STORY.