My last post here was close to 4 years ago.
To be exact, that is 1309 days ago.
1,884,960 minutes.
31,416 hours.
The duration of time between posts, can be best summed up by exclaiming the following:
I was just burdened about what to share. Personal, or business. And then, somehow, someway, my words were being misconstrued, and used against me. I'm not sure how it happened but it did.
So, I stopped writing here. I stopped sharing.
And, I regret it.
I see this space as a public venue -- that is more than a site, where I can share my ideas and concepts.
It was also somewhat therapeutic. It helped me connect dots from long ago about events, and people in my life - that define me, and helped shape who I am.
Truth is, I was writing for myself, more than I was ever writing for any reader.
I regret that I ceased publishing here.
I'm back.
Stories, business, music and thoughts.
Not sure of the cadence of my posts, but I can assure you that I will be using this forum to reconnect, with myself.
You wont read about politics here. Not now, and not ever.
I've been quiet for too long. Passive.
I've got much to say about people, styles, my business, and those in my industry who have been "faking it" - and I'm frankly sick of it.
The cheerleaders have a chant. Be Aggressive. I intend to be. (While remaining optimistic and positive)
As best summed up by The Duke Brothers, in "Trading Places."
"Mortimer, we're back...."